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We specialize in document scanning, OCR, forms processing and document management software that is inexpensive, easy to use and scalable for small businesses and departmental solutions.
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Featured OfficeGemini Document Scanning Software

Dokmee Capture - Standalone Edition Item Details
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OfficeGemini Dokmee Capture - Standalone Edition


Dokmee is a secure, easy to use document management system for efficient document capture and storage, search and retrieval, and file sharing; all at an attractive price point. Dokmee adapts to any business model and is the result of cutting edge technology developed to ensure efficient, streamlined productivity and profitability. Dokmee may be quickly and effortlessly integrated into any size company across multiple industries. With many different licensing options available and several essential features, Dokmee is a complete document management system presented with a user friendly interface to meet the needs of all end users.

Every company has document

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Dokmee Capture - Network Edition Item Details
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OfficeGemini Dokmee Capture - Network Edition


Dokmee is a secure, easy to use document management system for efficient document capture and storage, search and retrieval, and file sharing; all at an attractive price point. Dokmee adapts to any business model and is the result of cutting edge technology developed to ensure efficient, streamlined productivity and profitability. Dokmee may be quickly and effortlessly integrated into any size company across multiple industries. With many different licensing options available and several essential features, Dokmee is a complete document management system presented with a user friendly interface to meet the needs of all end users.

Every company has document

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Document Imaging, Document Management Software, OCR Software, Scanning Software, ICR Software, Forms Processing Software, PDF Conversion, Imaging & OCR SDKs
ABBYY Digitech, IRIS OCR Software CompuThink ContentVerse, Kofax Virtual ReScan, Nuance OmniPage

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